When I arrived this morning I
have the honour of meeting Julio César León – Venezuela’s first ever Olympic
athlete, who fought in World War II and competed for the first time in London’s
‘Austerity Games’ in 1948, as well as in the World Championships in Paris later
on, and is considered pretty much to be a national hero. It was really wonderful meeting a part of
Venezuela’s history, and he was such a lovely man (with a wonderful
name!). He was, obviously, very
interested in watching the cycling. It was really clear that everyone in the room
respected him, Games Makers, Athletes and Officials alike.
He sort of began a running
trend for the day. With nothing much to
do – even the officials were on Facebook – Carlos and I asked Yamelys questions
about Venezuela: about the Angel Falls (Salto Angel in Spanish), the Amazon and
the Lago de Maracaibo, the massive bay to the north-west of the country. It all looks so beautiful. I know I really want to see it one day.
The most I had to do was sort
out a similar transport issue to the other day.
Tomorrow I have to arrange the same thing, but for a large group of
Venezuelans to leave a different times of the day, so I hope it’ll be more
eventful. I really wish there was more
for me to do!
They let me leave early
again. I made my way out through
Westfield, stopping in Next to buy Team GB scarves for when I watch the
Athletics on Saturday. As I was about
the queue I heard a familiar-sounding voice cry “Sophie!!” and my head snapped
round. Elida, alongside most of the
officials, had gone shopping too. It was
really uplifting and awesome to be recognised like that by them, and a happy
end to a very slow day.
To learn more about Julio César, click here
To learn more about Julio César, click here
Steal that name too!!