Tuesday 24 April 2012

Sampling Scandinavia

Today was the first of the final exams of my degree.  (Please, if you’re reading this, take a couple of moments to touch (or knock on) wood for me: it’ll make me feel better about what I just said!)  I’m not sure about how I feel about the fact that I’m slowly bowing out of the world of education: something that’s been a part of my life for so long.  There are lots of things ending right now, and I’m not sure what they’re going to be replaced with.


And that’s what makes it exciting.

Last night, I ended up watching this Swedish/Danish TV programme called The Bridge.  It’s in subtitles, but if you’re OK with that (or understand Danish/Swedish) then it’s worth it.  It’s about a murder in which the victim is cut in half, with one half left in Sweden and the other in Denmark.  And with euthanasia and bombs and stuff, it’s a pretty exciting.  Although since Dancer in the Dark it’s also possibly given me a warped view of Danish people.  Or at least filmwriters. 

Then today I discovered a Danish webcomic (in English) called Scandinavia and the World (satwcomic.com).  It’s a personification of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and sometimes Finland and Iceland, with the odd appearance from the UK, the USA and other countries.  It's a light-hearted view of everyone, with some history and gentle teasing thrown in.  It’s just some fun, and gave me a way to relax.

So, today this blog is dedicated to Scandinavia, for being the major source of my entertainment for the last 24 hours, and bringing me nostalgia for my trip there last year.

1 comment:

  1. I almost died when I read the comic about the pickled herring or whatever it innocently started as. :P

    Also it has taken me this long to figure out how to comment on your blog. :D You'd think since I also use Blogger it'd trust me. ><
